Saturday, June 28, 2014

Socrates’ Influence in my Writing

It is not necessarily in philosophy that someone needs a Socrates. A writer who has knowledge about what Socrates teaches will know that he has to organize his thoughts in a presentable way, particularly his reasoning. Hence, a writer has to develop the habit of asking higher-level questions, like how, why, wherefore, and not only what – on the topic that we writes about.

Those who have read about Socrates are fortunate enough to learn the requirements for fine writing and the discipline involved. There are important points one has to internalize like the need to influence readership. Herein come the terms ethos, pathos, and logos. The first refers to convincing by the character of the writer; the second, to appealing to readers’ emotions, and the last to persuading by reasoning.

Writing On my Phone Works Best

Ideas often come to my mind and right away I have to catch those thoughts before they fly away. Since it is the phone that is handy, it becomes my pen and paper. With a phone, it means I can be anywhere like sitting on a vehicle bound for somewhere. It could also mean I am sitting in a restaurant. One cannot dictate when these ideas come.

Now, I would need to develop my piece further and re-write until my expression comes clear. That is where talk about environment comes in, and for me a secluded table without noise would be fine. I can concentrate better when no one can bother me. This time, my phone would be in silent mode and I would need discipline to ignore the calls.